Have an RG35XX 2024?

     Hello, If you have come here looking for content for your 2024 RG35XX console, you should know that it has been updated internally, and now its hardware is not compatible with everything that we offer on this page, but do not be discouraged, because it is compatible with all the content of its older sisters: RG35XX Plus and RG35XX H. So you must go to PLUS.RG35XX.COM

If you don’t know if you have a RG35XX from 2024, with the rear label you can identify it, look closely under the name ANBERNIC you can see the model:

= Original
RG35XX Plus = Plus
RG35XX H = Horizontal
RG35XX+ = New 2024

New RG35XX 2024 Available!

      As we have read in RetroHandhelds, A new version of our RG35XX has been released. This new version is an updated version of the Original console, maintaining the same battery capacity, 2600 mAh, but increasing its power with the chip of its older sisters, The RG35XX+ and the RG35XX H, the Allwinner H700 Quad-Core chip, and the memory of 1GB of LPDDR4 RAM, as well as the Dual-Core G31 MP2 GPU.
Or what is the same, a version of the RG35XX+ but without its Wifi capabilities and with a lower battery to reduce costs.
The software and customizations are compatible with this new version, although you will no longer be able to enjoy GarlicOs or everything that was created for this Custom Firmware…
We have already started crowdfunding to be able to have it when it goes on sale and thus be able to do tests and continue offering you content for it.

Help us get a RG35XX 2024



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MyFinUI, a new Fork of MinUI

     After the stoppage of MinUI and FinUI development, another Fork appears, which continues to improve this Custom Firmware, adding new features where others left off…
These are the notes that its developer Turro75 leaves us about the changes and news that its version brings:

  1. added Retroarch 1.14 as alternative libretro frontend for cores it has the same video filters available on garlicos.
  2. added prboom libretro core (Doom), it works only with retroarch as libretro frontend
  3. added puae2021 libretro core (Amiga), not really tested, expect issues, please report
  4. added FinalBurnNeo libretro core, it works surprisingly well on some arcade game which are slow on other OS, use an FBNeo romset as many 0.78 roms (mame2003+) don’t work well.
  5. replaced dinguxcommander with the garlicos version (source rg35xx.com) which has more features
  6. added input tester (source latest MinUI)
  7. reduced footprint of the docker toolchain from 4.5GB down to 1.5GB.
  8. the power button now perform a shutdown as garlicos 1.4.9 does instead of standby
  9. various improvements on makefiles
  10. to use retroarch instead of minarch just copy to the ROMS/Extras/Emus/xxxx.pak the launch.sh from ROMS/Extras/Emus/Doom.pak then set the right core name and the cpu speed required

Here and from our Firmwares section You can download the install package, please refer to MinUI/FinUI docs to proper install it

Koriki 1.0.4 ED for RG35XX Image

     Approximately 1 month ago we announced an image of Koriki/Batocera Lite that ED Torres had prepared for our consoles, loaded with Roms, Themes, Overlays, configured to the maximum so that everything worked perfectly. Designed for a 128GB card and you can later change the ROMs if you feel like it.
Since that day we began to make a mirror to leave it on Archive.org available to more people, and between the little time I have and how slow it is sometimes to upload large files, it has taken a long time, to the point that it has been updated, and therefore, before publishing it here, we have taken care of updating it as well.
The image is of an 8GB card, which you can use for a 2-card system, putting the ROMS on the second card, or you can expand the SHARE partition to the maximum of your card and adding the ROMS there.
Some very heavy systems have been split into several files, but then they go in the same folder, and you can unzip them separately or when you have downloaded them all.
We leave you the direct link here, and we will also add it to our Roms section. Enjoy it!!
(NOTE: It is not valid for PLUS or H, it is being worked on)

RG35XX Koriki 1.04 ED 128GB by ED Torres


DOOM MEGA PACK!! (Updated)

     A few days ago the developer Budtherooster contacted me once again to inform me that he had a MEGA PACK of DOOM Wads ready to add to the port and be able to play them. There are more than 200 wads that occupy just over 3GB unzipped, and although we have tried, we have not been able to test all of them, but we are convinced that they work like a charm and that they will make you enjoy many more hours of gaming.
It is set up for use with GarlicOs 1.4.9 (although it could work from 1.3.5, we have not tested it) and DOOM appears as a system, inside are all the maps to be able to select and play them.

Update: Thnk’s to a Anonymous user, now we have de images for the Mega-Pack. Download it too!

Here is a list of everything that this MEGA PACK includes:

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New RG35XX+ H?

     A couple of days ago we learned the news that Anbernic is going to launch a new RG35XX, this time in Horizontal format and with the same specifications as the recently launched updated version RG35XX+ to which they have added an H in the name making clearly referring to the Horizontal version.
Just looking at the images reminds us of a previous Anbernic model like the 351P with two analog sticks, and seeing the potential that this console can have in the future it can be ideal for playing DreamCast, N64, PSP, and whatever comes with it. future CFW… Although obviously the form factor has changed, I see many possibilities for the system and there will be those who prefer the Horizontal version to the vertical version…
As it is presumably the same hardware as the new RG35XX+, all systems, cfw and customizations will be compatible with version H, so we will make room for it on our page plus.rg35xx.com

And here the fisrt video publised by Anbernic:

We are already saving to buy it…

Compact No ROMs Modified Stock Firmware for RG35XX Plus

Today Reddit user TomDuhamel has made things much easier for us by publishing the last 2 updates of the Anbernic stock firmware, without roms and compacted, making it easy to download and being able to use practically any SD card, not necessarily a 64GB one…
RG35XX Plus Stock Firmware – Compact and No ROMs – Dual SD card

These are modified versions of RG35XX Plus stock firmware images, for your convenience. I hope they are as useful for you as they are for me 🙂


All partitions have been shrinked to the smallest possible size, such that the total uncompressed image size is just under 5 GB. You can use any size microSD card.


The image contains a tiny, unusable ROM partition. Instead, this system is to be used with dual SD cards, in which the system is installed on the first card (TF1/INT) and all of your ROMs are installed on the second card (TF2/EXT). The system will only read your ROMs from the second card slot (TF2/EXT), and as such no menu will appear to ask which card to use.

You ROMs card must be of a valid format (FAT32 and exFAT are currently supported). The system will not attempt to format or fix the card if not valid — in this case it will simply show no ROMs at all. However, the full empty directory structure should be copied as usual if a valid blank card is inserted. This is not a dual boot system — any OS on the second card will be ignored.


You can download one of 2023-12-08 or 2023-12-12 firmware releases. The latest is the newest, and if you don’t have a reason not to, you should pick that one. However, a number of people have noticed some issues with that one, and therefore the previous version is also made available for your convenience. You really shouldn’t run any prior version, as the version that shipped with the Plus was missing a few systems and did not support the newer hardware features.

New RG35XX+ site

     In recent days we have been creating a twin and parallel web page to this one, so as not to mix and confuse users with firmwares, updates, downloads and other news.
Although from RG35XX.com we will continue to report on both, the contents of the PLUS version, we will put them on the twin page to avoid confusion. Now available, although at the moment without much content from here: (and from the top menu bar in PLUS!)

1 Year of RG35XX.COM & More ROMSETS Added!

     1 year ago we launched this website after several days configuring and customizing it. (Since the same day of the launch of our beloved RG35XX console).
Many things have happened since that day, a large community of users from all over the world has been created around it, and from here we have tried to support and accommodate everything that time has allowed us. Unfortunately, nowadays everything goes much faster on Reddit or Discord, even through YouTube, but here from this humble page we have done everything we can in terms of facilitating the customization of the console and adding more functionalities with APPS. , and PORTS of games, as well as providing BIOS, ROMS and some other content that unfortunately is no longer available.

Thanks to the Crowfunding that we have been doing in recent months, we already have the successor, the RG35XX Plus, and we have not yet had much time to use it, although we can say out loud that the update has been worth it in several aspects, although it is still We are waiting for some Custom Firmware that will improve it even more as already happened with our beloved RG35XX.
We have been trying to create a parallel website for several days to try not to mix the information from the PLUS and the NORMAL, but without much success at the moment, and meanwhile Anbernic itself has already released several software updates, which improve several things. (We leave you links to the updates in our Firmware section).

We have added some more Romsets to our Bios & Roms section, check it!


If you need a new Retro Game Handheld Device, you can buy here!
Directly from >>ANBERNIC<<