Weekend Updates

     The developer XQuader sends me these modified and improved Dual-Stock firmware Scripts so that everyone can use them in their GarlicOS installation.
These Scripts are used to create a backup and restore of the GarlicOS configuration files, in case we make any changes and want to reverse it, such as changing some core… We can also return our GarlicOS system to factory. We have included it in our Apps for GarlicOS section and it is available for download there!

In addition to this, XQuader has compiled new versions of various cores so that we can update them, since they improve compatibility with games.
Here I leave the publication: (Links to updates)

TIC-80 (tic80): It is actively developed and the changelog is just too big, the most noticeable is HUGE performance improvement. I used bunnymark snd crapmark, benchmarks, and here are some results:

  • Bunnymark (bunnies number till stutters): 40 bunnies in old core, 340 bunnies in new core

  • Crapmark (overall score): 3170 in old core, 10015 in new core

PICO-8 (fake08): added RetroArch controls remapping.

Amiga (uae4arm): The uae4arm core that comes with Garlic OS just freezes my device, I’ve compiled a new one and in tested cases, it performs better than PUAE2021 (but it has fewer configurations options/features and fewer supported formats, e.g. not all hdf‘s are loading). I used a game as a benchmark – Fire And Ice, slight underclock (single minus), Threaded Video ON:

  • constant stutter in PUAE2021 even with frameskip and reduced “CPU Speed” core option,

  • almost smooth gameplay in UAE4ARM (rare slowdowns when there are a lot of effects)

Commodore set (vice c64, c128, plus4, etc.): there was a big update from the upstream project (v3.7 on Feb 12), but other than that mostly bug fixes.

Atari 800 (Atari800): Added savestate support, Rewind support, Disc Control menu (Supports Disks, Tapes, and M3U files), fixes for control issues, etc.

Atari ST (hatari): improved virtual keyboard (change keys position and colors closer to an ST), some bugfixes

ZX Spectrum (fuse): Added proper joystick management, and fixes for some control issues.

Uzebox (uzem): old core doesn’t work at all, new core “works”, but in tested games, it stutters even on overclock++

And tomorrow, more things that I have pending… 😉

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